A Note From Your Innkeeper
Dearest Guests,
We are delighted that you have chosen to, or are considering, staying with us at The Stockade Bed and Breakfast.
In the tradition of Southern hospitality, we want to make sure that you have the best experience possible. Help us help you! Communicate with us – the more we know, the more we can be of service to you. If things change, keep your innkeeper in the loop. Please email us at stay@thestockade.com.
Enhance your stay with us! Our Packages page has various packages for Romance, Area Fun, Seasonal and Miscellaneous Specials which change out often, so be sure to check back from time to time.
Remember that the sooner you book your stay, the better chance you have of getting the dates you want most. This especially true during holidays and when there are special events in Baton Rouge. If you book direct, you will get our best rates.
We publish newsletter monthly, some of which contain recipes which reflect the culture of Louisiana. You can sign up here to receive it.
We hope that you will like us on Facebook, check us out on Linked In, follow us on Twitter, check out our Pinterest page, and view our videos on our YouTube Channel.
Serving as the president of the Louisiana Bed and Breakfast Association has given me the opportunity to know many innkeepers. What we all have in common is the love of the calling, the opportunity to preserve history on our individual properties and the opportunity to share what we have with our guests. It is a privilege to know some of the most wonderful, interesting people who have chosen innkeeping as their calling, and I am blessed to have many of them as my close, personal friends.
In our kitchen hangs a framed saying which reads “Kiss the Cook.” From time to time, somebody actually does! Well, kiss mah grits, nothing could be better! And if you want my recipes, you are welcome to them. Just don’t expect me to know “exactly” what is in them besides my heart and soul.
I guess the point is that we’re happy to have you stay with us. And if there is anything that you need, please ask. We are happy to help, but can only do so if we are aware of your needs.
Yours in Hospitality,
Janice DeLerno, Innkeeper