The ever-changing world of technology has changed the way innkeeping works for us. But the desire to please our guests is still the most important thing. You are our newfound friends for the duration of your stay. We are honored that you have chosen to stay at our homes. We hope you recognize that we are running a race with limited staff and need time to accomplish things like housekeeping, maintenance, and grocery shopping — all the things that are necessary to ensure your comfort. Innkeeping is like having a really large family with lots of different interests and activities. The Smith family has come to visit with their LSU freshman daughter Daniella whose birthday is tomorrow, the Black family is attending their son’s graduation ceremony and Mr. White has a very important board meeting in the morning. My goal is to make sure that all of our guests have their needs met.
Serving as the president of the Louisiana Bed and Breakfast Association has given me the opportunity to know many innkeepers. What we all have in common is the love of the calling, the opportunity to preserve history on our individual properties and the opportunity to share what we have with our guests. Beyond that, it is work, work, work, just like any other job. The income barely covers the cost of doing business, but it helps to offset the costs of maintaining the property, and offers the innkeeper a lifestyle which can be fun. Did I mention that it is WORK, WORK, WORK?
All kidding aside, it is a privilege to know some of the most wonderful, interesting people who have chosen innkeeping as their calling. I am blessed to have many of them as my close, personal friends. In our kitchen hangs a framed saying which reads “Kiss the Cook.” From time to time, somebody actually does! Well, kiss mah grits, nothing could be better. And if you want my recipes, you are welcome to them. Just don’t expect me to know “exactly” what is in them besides my heart and soul.
I guess the point is that we’re happy to have you stay with us. And if there is anything that you need, please ask. We are happy to help, but can only do so if we are aware of your needs.
Yours in Hospitality,
Janice DeLerno, Innkeeper